This page is where you'll find the past WELCOME COMMITTEE photo winners from our many puppy families that are kind enough to send us their creative photography. If nothing else, you can see that Promise Puppies are PATIENT and have a GOOD SENSE OF HUMOR! ;-)
The WELCOME COMMITTEE for mid-March to Mother's Day was DITTO, who is a Therapy Dog shown here "clowning around"
with none other than Ronald McDonald at one of the Ronald McDonald houses in
Northern CA. Ditto's owner Brad is a terrific owner who takes Ditto to work with
him and does volunteer work too. THANKS BRAD! To see more photos of Ditto, click
on his photo.
The WELCOME COMMITTEE for the Thanksgiving season was Blue, a puppy from the Recess and
Brew litter. He is 11 1/2 weeks here in this photo taken soon after
Howl-owe'en. Click on his photo to read more about his litter.
The welcome committee for the month of October/November '08 are NEW THERAPY DOGS, Banjo and Buddy. They do Therapy work
with Love On 4 Paws group. Click HERE to visit Love on 4 Paws website - just remember to
come back to visit us. ;-)~@~@~@~@~@~
The WELCOME COMMITTEE during the 2008 Summer is Charlie, a Skittles/Brew puppy (and only boy) enjoying his Summer Time watermelon treat.
The WELCOME COMMITTEE the week of St Patrick's Day is Springer MARBLE and new granddaughter Julane. THEY ARE WISHING YOU HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY! MARBLE is a liver/white Springer from the Binnie x Junior litter. To see more photos of Marble, click the photo.
The WELCOME COMMITTEE the week of St Patrick's Day is Golden RILEY from the Angel/Brew Litter and one of his owners, Jamie- THEY ARE ALSO WISHING YOU HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY! To see more photos of Riley's litter, click the photo.
Our WELCOME COMMITTEE this week is 2 of the boys from the new Angel/Brew Litter - wishing you and yours a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! The photo to the right is Yellow Star.
Our WELCOME COMMITTEE for the first half of December is "Shadow" (aka BLUE!) and his new owner, Nikolina (well, one of them anyway!). Blue is a Max/Kissy boy, and one of the litter of 6 that got Parvo-- (they ALL lived). Blue has been well for 2 weeks and was given to go ahead to leave us and go to his new home. He is 10 weeks old in this photo. See photos of Shadow's litter by clicking the photo (the scroll down to last half of page).
Our WELCOME COMMITTEE this week is "Doc Kitty" (aka Heather!) and her patient, Cilantro, taken on Oct. 31st... See photos of Cilantro's litter by clicking the photo.
Our WELCOME COMMITTEE for the last 2 weeks of October is a beautiful little boy from the Max x Kissy litter. 6 weeks old and too cute for words! This boy sports a green collar, and I'm calling him Cilantro. Click on the photo to go to their page.
Our WELCOME COMMITTEE this week is "Iris" the Purple Girl, from the Max/Kissy litter. A PUP IN A BLANKET... All snuggled up in a warm towel, after her first "spa" treatment. Click on Iris' photo to see more pictures of the litter's bath-time fun.
Our WELCOME COMMITTEE for August 2007 is BUDDY BOBAK, and his impression of Pegasus the flying horse. Buddy is a Pete/Apricot boy - our Diamond's brother. Look for more of our puppy/dog photos from their families here, as I try to change the Welcome Committee frequently (as our puppy families send in photos!!!). (Thank you Juliet, for this awesome photo!)
The Welcome Committee for this part of 2007s SIZZLING SUMMER is our NEWEST AKC CHAMPION - AM CH/U-CH Citrine's Girl, Interrupted -- or Susie for short. After her 4 point major win, we treated her to a photo shoot at the beach. Her tail IS longer, but she kept it wagging, so this shot is almost perfect. ;-)
Our WELCOME COMMITTEE for the week after Father's Day is Pete - the sire of our "Golden Gang". This photo was taken at the FIRST ANNUAL PROMISE KENNELS FUN IN THE SUN REUNION DAY 6/16/07. Click Pete's photo to see more pics of him.
Our WELCOME COMMITTEE for the beginning of June was Owen, a 3 month old Junior/Maggie Black & White Springer puppy.
Our WELCOME COMMITTEE for Mid May is COLBY, a 10 week old Junior/Maggie Springer puppy who now lives with her new family in Northern California. Click on the photo to see more photos of this litter.
Our WELCOME COMMITTEE for Mother's Day was Riley Leonhard, a Pete/Rae puppy at 4 months old.
"And They Call It PUPPY LOVE"... (Remember the song?) Our WELCOME COMMITTEE starting April 13th is our granddaughter, Desiree, and some of our Springer babies... Desiree fell in love with Maggie's puppies.
It's TRUE what they say about puppies & dogs... THEY'RE CHICK MAGNETS!!! (Okay, sorry about that....) Our WELCOME COMMITTEE for the 1st week of April is part of our NorCal "Golden Gang" who got together on APRIL FOOLS DAY at Stinson Beach. The dogs, clockwise from left are: Lexi, Candy, Haley, Jake, Paprika and Bobo (being oh so good in his "down-stay"). The "Chick Magnets" ALL say "HAPPY EASTER!"
WELCOME COMMITTEE for the 1st & 2nd week of Spring is Max - a Pete son who won a Group 1 on Saturday and a Group 3 on Sunday at the UKC show March 17th. Taylor (she's 9 yrs old) showed Max both days.
The WELCOME COMMITTEE for March 1-15 was one of the boys from Apricot's litter. He's 7 weeks, 2 days old in this photo, which was taken by an awesome professional artist/photographer named Laura Leonhard.
The Welcome Committee from Feb 7-28 was "Princess Harley" Our black and white English Springer Spaniel. To see more of our Springers, click on Harley's photo. To see our Springer litter plans, CLICK HERE.
The WELCOME COMMITTEE from Jan 25-Feb 6 was PUMPKIN, from the Pete/Apricot litter. Pumpkin and littermates were born on Jan 4, 2007. He is 2 weeks, 5 days old in this closeup - which was taken on his Dad's 9th birthday.
Our WELCOME COMMITTEE for Jan 17-24 is TATE, a Pete/Rider puppy. Seen here in the snow at Shaver Lake in California (not too far from us!). About 5 months old.
Our WELCOME COMMITTEE for Jan 10-16 was BELLA (Pete/Rider) with her people, Garrett and Alicia. They live near Sacramento, CA. I think the photo was in Tahoe.
Our WELCOME COMMITTEE for Dec 28-Jan 9 was Tony (the GOLDEN!) with his fur family (2 JRTs and the mini schnauzer) along with truly GOLDEN people, Dr. Joe and Michele. This lucky group divides its time between the Santa Cruz area and Truckee in California.
Our Welcome Committee for Dec 18-27 was GRACIE from PHILLY... Gracie is a Pete/Angel puppy... Well, now over a year old! Gracie lives back East with her People, Nick and Alicia. Gracie has grown into a very beautiful Breed Representative!
The WELCOME COMMITTEE for the week of Dec 12-17 are (from L to R) Sierra (Pete x Reign) and Obie (Pete x Evie). These 2 Jolly Santa Helpers live in Southern CA with some of our GREAT friends! Obie is co-owned by us and has his own page in the PAST PUP PICS section.
The WELCOME COMMITTEE for 12/5 through 11 2006 are (from L to R) Reindeers Haley, Bobo, Paprika and Lexi, with their Santas, Pam, Marika, Tania, Katalin and Dana. All of these Golden Reindeer and their Santas live in Northern CA and got together for a play date in November. How wonderful they got a group shot for our homepage!
Reindeer Paprika and her Santa friend Asbury were the Welcome Committee at the end of Nov to the 4th of Dec, 2006. Paprika lives in Northern California.
OLIVER, is a Pete/Rider puppy. I wonder if he filled his bag with doggie biscuits and chewies? Oliver lives in the Sacramento, CA area. Autumn 2006