Email: promisekennels@gmail.com Make sure you put a SUBJECT LINE on your email or it won't be opened!!!! If you email and you haven't received a reply within 3 days please RE-SUBMIT your email. Email is checked regularly, however IF WE ARE AWAY AT A DOG SHOW you may have to wait a little while longer!
Phone: 559-355-9915 Kennel & Training phone #. Usually goes to voicemail.
Cell: 559-355-9914 Judy's cell#
REMINDER: We are AWAY from our email over the weekends and Holidays. It sometimes takes several days before receiving a reply from us. We aren't ignoring you - HONEST. If you think your email has been overlooked, feel free to resend it. THANK YOU in advance for your understanding! (You can call).
Address: We will give you our address once your questionnaire is completed and your references have responded, providing you are still interested in one of our dogs. PLEASE NOTE: We live in California.
Shipping: We do fly our puppies, however YOU NEED TO REMEMBER a few VERY IMPORTANT THINGS.
- We will not ship any animal if the temperature is extreme (hot or cold).
OUR concern is the welfare of our dogs. DO NOT ask us to ship if it is in the heat of the Summer or the dead of Winter.
This may mean you will need to drive to a larger airport to pick up your puppy. If this is true in your case PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE THERE TO PICK YOUR PUPPY UP ON TIME!!!!! Better yet, BE EARLY!
- ANY puppy to be shipped needs to be AT LEAST 9 weeks old (our rule).
- We will not ship a puppy if it is in a fear period.
- ALL costs associated with shipping are YOUR responsibility.
Costs include the ticket, crate, veterinarian health certificate (if puppy/dog is older than 10 weeks), and mileage to/from Los Angeles (LAX), San Francisco (SFO), Sacramento (SMF), Oakland (OAK), or San Jose (SJC). Costs will run approximately $400-$600, depending on destination, size of pup or dog and airline.
- The completed signed contract, must be received by us prior to sending pup.
- Balance due on your puppy needs to be paid before puppy is shipped.