Let Chocolate help you FETCH a link! I tried to add links here that will help you whether you're still researching, or you already have a Springer or Golden. If you find a link that is no longer valid, please email me and let me know at promiseplus@msn.com THANKS!

Dog Genome Project (The Dog Genome Project is a collaborative study which is aimed at producing a map of all the chromosomes in dogs.)
Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) (*THE* registry for hip, elbow, cardiac thyroid with links to CERF results. Today’s OFA Mission, “To improve the health and well being of companion animals through a reduction in the incidence of genetic disease,” reflects the organization’s expansion into other inherited diseases and other companion animals such as cats.)
Canine Eye Registration Foundation (CERF) (The registry for eye exam results and disease.)

American Kennel Club (AKC) (Official, all-breed, closed-registry that is the oldest and largest dog registry in the USA. AKC registered dogs are world-wide recognized by all other registries.)
Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) (Official, all-breed, closed-registry that is a world-wide recognized dog registry for CANADA.)
United Kennel Club (UKC) (All-breed, open-registry that is the second oldest and second largest dog registry in the USA. UKC registered dogs are not recognized by AKC, CKC, or other world-wide dog registries.
International All-Breed Canine Association of America (IABCA) (All breed and rare breed dog registry and dog shows.)
English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association (ESSFTA) (The parent Club for English Springer Spaniels in the United States.)
Golden Retriever Club of America (GRCA) (National parent club of the Golden Retriever. An EXCELLENT SITE that is FILLED with important info on Goldens. CHECK IT OUT *BEFORE* you buy!)
United States Dog Agility Association (USDAA)
North American Dog Agility Council (NADAC)
International Association of Assistance Dog Partners (IAADP) (A non-profit, cross-disability organization representing people partnered with guide, hearing and service dogs.)
NORCAL Golden Retriever Club
NorCal Golden Retriever RESCUE (NGRR) (THE site for Golden Retriever Rescue in Northern California.)

Amazon.com (The earth's biggest selection of books, electronics, DVDs, music, software, and much, much more.)
Dog Fancy Magazine (Great monthly canine family pet magazine and informational website.)
Dog World Magazine (Online version of magazine and has a few links.)
Pet Zone (By Dr. Ackerman, Veterinarian - lots of online pet info.)
VetInfo (A Veterinary Information Services.)
Show Dog Online (Online magazine for dog show enthusiasts.)

Lambriar Animal Health Care (Distributors of animal health care products, kennel supplies, pet supplies, veterinary supplies and vaccines, for dogs, cats, birds, ferrets, horses, and cattle at some of the lowest prices. We buy most of our doggy related supplies from Lambriar Vet!)
Doctor's Foster & Smith (Pet Information Center, online Vet products, and free catalog.)
The Pet Medicine Chest (Welcome to the first company in America to offer herbal remedies for birds, cats, dogs and rabbits. Pet Medicine Chest's all natural herbal remedies have been available for over 45 years.)
NuVET PLUS Supplements (The supplements WE give ALL OUR dogs! NuVet Plus is the ANTIOXIDANT formula. NuJoint Plus is the joint formula to help your Golden's and Springer's joints as they age. You will need this code: 39963).
REDBARN 5" Beef Straps (The CHEWY we give our puppies and dogs... BETTER than rawhide!) FREE Pedigree Software Program (Free Complete Program or Microsoft Word or Excel Templates and Macros.)

Grooming Your English Springer Spaniel

MapQuest (Best Free online trip-planning program for your next trip to a dog show, agility meet or field trial).
Pets Welcome (the internet's largest pet/travel resource.)
Waters Of Tahoe Properties (Great dog friendly places to stay in and around Tahoe!) US Fish & Wildlife Service (controls all US National Wildlife Refuge lands.)
National Park Service (controls all US National Parks.)
Bureau of Land Management (Manages 264,000,000 acres of public US lands.)
US Dept. of Agriculture Forest Service (Manages all US National Forests.)

Kenyon's @ Dogcreek - Our Vet's website. She raises, shows and does performance events with her Great Danes. We go to many of our dogshows together.
CITRINE GOLDENS - Our friend, Lynn Tweedt-Rabinowe's Golden Retriever site.
Golden Kisses Kennel - Our friends Steve, Pam and daughter Marika along with their goldens. Best In Show winner Jake is a Pete and Soda son.
24K GOLDENS - My friend Joanne Scott's Golden Retriever website.
GOLDCAMP SPRINGERS - Our friend and dog handler, Lynda O'Connor's Springer Spaniel site -
Chenille Shih Tzus - A new friend who Judy meet when she attended the K9 College cruise 2009. Peggy is a knowledgable and responsible breeder - if you're looking for a really small dog!